As is well-known, Reb Shlomo Carlebach's Selichos were very special. Last year, a recording of them was issued, and can be ordered from "Mostly Music." Prices range from $9.99 for a cassette to $24.99 for a video.
Of course, "everybody knows" that there are now Carlebach-style minyanim all over the world, especially here in Eretz Yisrael and in America. The "mother" of these minyanim is Reb Shlomo's own Manhattan-based [305 West 79th St.] Shul, which continues in this tradition. A comprehensive report on last year's Selichos at the Carlebach Shul can be read at Michael Steinhart's blog HaMincha.
This year's Selichos at the Carlebach Shul features a concert by Pey-Dalid at 9:45 pm, a pre-Selichos drasha by Rabbi Naftali Citron at 12:15 am, followed by the Selichos themselves, led by Chazan Yehuda Green at 12:45 am. I have heard Yehuda at various kumzitzes and can testify that, as R. Shlomo would say, "he's the greatest!"
the good old days oy