Okay, here's a brief glimpse at some of the Reb Shlomo Carlebach 11th yahrzeit events, that were held and are to be held in the US and around the world:
This past Shabbos, Lech Lecha, the Young Israel of Sharon hosted a Shabbaton in tribute to Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach's 11th Yahrzeit. Guests included: Rabbi Gedaliah and Rebbetzin Zehava Druin, Rabbi Gedaliah Fleer, Rabbi Avraham Newman, Rebbetzin Chaya Poretsky, Rabbi Dovid Staloff, Rabbi Moshe Stepansky, Rabbi Nossen and Rebbetzin Channah Schafer and, in from Israel to lead the singing and dancing, Ben Zion Solomon of Moshav Modiim [Reb Shlomo’s Moshav].
Am Kolel' s Jewish Folk Arts Festival Concert, Saturday night, November 19, at 8 pm in commemoration of Reb Shlomo's Yahrzeit will feature David Shneyer and the Farbrenghen Fiddlers, Avraham Rosenblum of the Diaspora Yeshiva Band, Chazan Sunny Schnitzer, and storyteller Noa Baum. Details are here.
Reb Shlomo Carlebach z"tl eleventh yahrzeit memorial Melave Malka. Join us for songs, stories, and snacks on Sat. Nite, Nov. 19 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Ronit and Menashe Brakha.
330 S. Yates Road, Memphis. For more information, please call Bracha Udelsohn 901-683-9194 or e-mail her at bracha2u@JUNO.COM
The Boca Raton Synagogue and the Reb Shlomo chevra of Boca invite you to join us in celebrating the life and memory of Reb Shlomo Carlebach z”l’s 11th Yahrzeit (16 Cheshvan), from THURSDAY NIGHT, November 17th through TUESDAY, November 22nd. Featured are
R. Shaanon Gelman, Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbanit Rock, Dr. Moshe and The Kollel Rabbis and a MELAVE MALKA with YACHAD, the band that brings Reb Shlomo’s music to life Music. Singing and Dancing, Videos and Stories. Emceed by Reb Yankel Dinnerstein of Ohr Ki Tov.
For information call R. Yisroel Finman (561) 750-3620, rabbiyyf@YAHOO.COM
e-mail shlomochevra@yahoo.com or call Boca Raton Synagogue (561) 394-5732
Shabbat Hospitality is available Boca Raton Synagogue, 7900 Montoya Circle
CARLEBACH Conference in NYC, Nov. 17-20
Click on this link for a brochure of the 2nd Annual International Carlebach Conference in Manhattan including an unprecedented gathering of Carlebach-inspired teachers, workshops, concerts, a Shabbaton, and dinner finale from Nov 17-20. YOU CAN PURCHASE A SINGLE DAY OR CONCERT OR THE ENTIRE CONFERENCE (click on additional links for full schedule, bios, and registration).
From the Carlebach Shul’s website:
"Once again, The JCC in Manhattan will graciously host the conference on Friday and Sunday. The Carlebach Shul, as well as other venues, will be used for the davening, meals and special events. This year’s theme, ‘The Power of Music’ is something that is close to the hearts of those on the Carlebach derech. We know Reb Shlomo inspired many with his heavenly niggunim. These niggunim opened up gates in the powerful places in one’s soul to experience emotions that called forth yearning, sadness, and hope. Reb Shlomo's music is not just about the music; like him it is larger than life, calling out for us to be better, to dream, and to love.
Music has power. It is often misunderstood, often abused and has often become a handmaiden to a culture of drugs, and even violence. Because music is not just a soul, it is also a garment, an instrument that can be directed for the good and for the bad of humanity. We want to bring peace to our land and the sense of the spiritual to our youth. Reb Shlomo’s music is that portal. Join the leading teachers, musicians, Rabbis, Rebbitzens and Chevra in helping to create this reality."
Among the many stars featured [and some "topics" in brackets] are Rabbi Naftali Citron, Rabbi Avi Weiss, Ben Zion Solomon ["How to Lead a Carlebach Minyan"] and Sons, the Moshav Band, Hasidic New Wave with Yakar Rhythms, Yehuda Green, Yitzchak Buxbaum, Rabbi Avraham Arieh ["Finding Your Own Song"] and Rebbetzin Rachel Trugman, David Zeller, Rabbi Dr. Nechemia Polen ["Music and Melody in the Chassidic path of the Piaseczno Rebbe"], Mindy Ribner, Noach Solomon Chase ["Anatomy of a Niggun"], Rabbi Avraham Sutton, and Rabbi Yehoshua Eliovson ["Applied Shlomo - Distilling his Pioneering Methods for New Programs"].
On December 3, 2005 the largest ever mega-concert of Carlebach music, The 11th Annual Carlebach Yahrzeit Concert, will be held in Teaneck. This year, as part of the inauguration of the new Carlebach Congregation of Teaneck, the Carlebach Shul in Manhattan has joined the Teaneck Congregation to bring this one and only official concert to Teaneck. The event, hosted at Fairleigh Dickinson's Wilson Auditorium, will have an audience of over 400 people, and advance tickets are being sold over the Internet.
Confirmed performers for this not-to-be-missed event include: Yossi Piamenta, Yisroel Williger, Shloime Dachs and Orchestra, Mendy Wald, Yehuda Green, Yerachamiel, Chaim Kiss, Ruby Harris, and Soulfarm. More info from: Shmuley Brodsky, telephone 212-726-2390 or e-mail: SJBrodsky@AOL.COM
At the Beirav Shul in Tzfas, on Thursday night, Nov. 17, at 8:45 pm: an evening of singing, Divrei Torah and Stories, including a double-Siyum! Located on Rechov Meginei Tzfat, near Kikar HaMeginim near Rechov Yerushalayim in the Old City of Tzfas. For more info call Shmuel at 04-692-1849 or Meir, 050-557-4344, or e-mail BeiravCarlebach@bezeqint.net
The following is a slightly edited e-mail from Yacov Drori:
One month ago we came on shlichut [a mission] from Eretz Yisrael to Moscow to teach Torah and Yiddishkeit [Judaism]. We have the feeling that it is the first time that Reb Shlomo's friends and "followers" are coming here since the last time he was here at 1989. The Jewish communities here never learned Torah the way Reb Shlomo was teaching it. So even though we don't really know how to do it so well, it appears to be a great chiddush [innovation] here. Last Shabbos we had a Shabbaton outside of Moscow, and we got very good responses. Next Shabbaton is [Parshat] Chayei Sarah. --Yacov and Miral'e Drori.
Reb Shlomo was a legend in his lifetime, and even more so after his death.
ReplyDeleteTrue, Cosmic. Now get this:
ReplyDeleteEven YU is getting into the act: