Thursday, May 11, 2006


Posted by PicasaThe Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess Shul in Tiveria, next to his tomb

Tonight we begin, in our counting of the Omer, the Sefira of Hod. The Zohar says that during this week, the "gates are open." Many Chassidim don't say Tachanun this entire week!

Tonight is also Pesach Sheni, and the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess, who is buried in Tiveria [Tiberias] and Rabbi Yehuda bar Ilai, whose resting place is just outside of Tzfas, Ir HaKodesh. As your truly is journeying North from Yerushalayim shortly, I thought I’d post some preliminary links to Lag B’Omer niggunim as well – since that is coming up very shortly too – Monday night and Tuesday.

Lag B’Omer Links

You can learn about Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and the Zohar at this site.

22 Niggunim, which includes these artists: MBD, Diaspora Yeshiva Band, Chaim Dovid, Yisrael Dagan, Daniel Ahaviel, Akiva Margolius, Chanan Bar-Sela, Yehuda Glantz, and more.

Watch a video of the dancing, to the song of “Bar Yochai.”

There is a wonderful story in this week's English HaModia about the Dancing on Lag B'Omer in Meron - well worth reading!

More next week, im yirtzeh Hashem - G-d willing!


  1. Yitz: Thanks for the information about the gates being open during week of Hod. I had never heard this.

    I am posting about Netzach of Hod on Monday - the yahrzeit of the Degel Machaneh Ephraim.

  2. the niggunim dont work):

  3. Anon:
    They DO indeed work. If you pass your mouse over the > arrow that indicates "play", it says, "click to activate." By doing that you're making your selection. Clicking the same arrow again will activate the niggun to play - it may take some time if you have a dialup connection, but with ADSL it works almost immediately!
