Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rav Meir Shapiro's Magnificent Niggun!

Today, the 7th of Cheshvan, was the 76th yahrzeit of Rav Meir Shapiro, who was the initiator of the Daf HaYomi program, the daily folio [page] of Talmud learning, as well as the Founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in Poland. We previously posted about him here.

In addition, in this post, we discussed the tribute to the great Jewish klezmer [clarinetist], Moshe [Musa] Berlin. In the video below, we have Musa, together with his disciple, Chilik Frank, and some other great musicians, playing Rav Meir Shapiro’s beautiful Lecha Dodi niggun. I’ve heard this sung on Leil Shabbos [Friday night] by R. Moshe Bienenstock of Breslov, and it’s magnificent!


  1. Thank you so much. I know this niggun from Bobov simchas. Never knew it was from Rav Shapiro. Do you know if he wrote it with Lecha Dodi in mind? Also, do you know if he wrote many niggunim? I found another one once on another website.

  2. Chazzan, thanks for your comment. I don't know if he wrote it for Lecha Dodi, but it certainly fits beautifully!
    If you would have clicked on the link in my post, you would have found about other niggunim that Rav Shapiro composed.

  3. Would you have any idea if that album you named on the link is still available? Can't seem to find it online. Also, check out my website,

  4. in the clip linked below, Chilik Frank explains that the niggun is from R Benzion of Bobov, but R' Meir Shapiro sang it in his yeshiva...
